If you created a great resume and got an interview here are key things to keep in mind:

1. Make a list of your top 3 skills

2. Write down specific experiences and activities or accomplishments that demonstrate these skills "in action". Be prepared to tell this story in a few minutes in response to questions about your experiences. This not only highlights your skills but provides a real context where you used them successfully.

3. What will you say when they ask about a difficult situation or any weak areas you have? The best approach is to describe the answer and then tell how you addressed the issue or problem to resolve it successfully or continue developing your skills in key areas.

3. Prepare for when they ask "Do you have any questions for us? " This is your opportunity to ask questions that reveal your goals and that you have researched a bit. This is NOT a time to ask how much vacation do I get. It is a time for asking about how they support on-going professional development, how would they describe the culture of the organization, where do they see the trends impacting their organizational priorities? In other words, reveal your own professionalism. You can also ask such things as what are the biggest challenges for this position?

Dress professionally but BE COMFORTABLE

Remember, you are interviewing them as well - is this a good fit for you?

Salary and benefits are discussed with an offer - watch for my next tips on Negotiation!